New Construction Melbourne. A comprehensive new home inspection consists of four distinct inspections, each conducted during crucial stages of the construction process. By conducting inspections at each of these key phases, we can guarantee that no detail goes unnoticed, and every aspect of the construction meets the necessary standards, resulting in a high-quality home.
Our inspection process includes a detailed report accompanied by photographs, outlining our inspector's observations at every stage of the construction. With our comprehensive inspections, you can rest assured that your new home is built to the highest standards of safety and quality.
Unfortunately problems and disputes between builders and their clients is common. Building a new home can be an extremely stressful process and that is with a good builder!
Breakdown in communication is common and the need for expert, independent advice can be extremely helpful in these instances. Alternatively, keeping the builder on their toes with the knowledge that a building inspector is accessing their work is also useful!
Problems generally arise from concerns surrounding issues relating to the quality of building work, concerns about the contract, or scope of building work.
Professional, typed, photographic, clear and concise reports are provide to all Melbourne Master Building Inspectors clients.
We highly recommend that inspections are conducted as your new build progresses through the construction process. When it comes to building a home, most homeowners have little to no expertise in construction. They're forced to put all their trust into the hands of the builder and contractors. But what if there was a way to ensure that you get what you pay for?
At our company, we specialize in helping investors and homeowners who uncertain about the quality of their newly constructed property. It's all too common for people to reach the handover stage only to realize that they have to rely on the builder for a final quality check. But why leave it up to chance when you've invested so much time and money into your new home or unit?
We understand that finding a reputable builder is only half the battle. Even the most trusted names in the industry can make mistakes, and that's where we come in. The team at Master Building Inspectors Melbourne will conduct a thorough inspection to ensure that everything is up to code and meets your expectations. Don't settle for less than what you deserve. Let us help you get the home of your dreams.
If you need independent advice when constructing your new home, we provide inspections and reports at all the main stages.
These can occur as a one – off inspection or as a staged inspection package, which take place at the major milestone stages, to coincide with your progress payments.
A Master Building Inspector will access your build for compliance with the relevant Building Code and Australian Standards requirements.
We will also check the build for compliance with the structural engineering specifications and ensure that the workmanship is within the Victorian Guide to Standards and Tolerances guidelines.
Our inspectors work for the client, to protect their investment and provide peace of mind that the build is as per the BCA and contractual requirements.
The inspections typically occur at slab, frame, lockup & handover stages. The benefits with having an inspection at these stages, is that any defects can be more easily rectified prior to the next stage commencing.
Once the build has progressed, it can be a lot more difficult to perform remedial works on any affected materials and a lot of the structural elements can be covered up.
It also leads to a more thorough inspection process, as the building items are more accessible at these stages.
Call us for all new construction staged inspections and renovation building inspections Melbourne today.
Any major issues are referenced back to the National Construction Code ( B.C.A ), Guide To Standards & Tolerances 2019 or the relevant Australian Standard.
The 4 main building inspection stages in your new construction build to consider are:

The regulated standards for building a new residential home in Victoria are for the most part covered within the National Construction Code (Building Code of Australia), which all builders are required to comply with. These regulations are adopted into law. In the regulatory framework for building standards hierarchy, it starts with the relevant Act of Parliament, regulations made under that Act, then to the National Construction Code, to the Australian Standards and other BCA referenced documents.
The Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 states the term 'defective' as:
a) a failure to maintain a standard or quality of building work specified in the contract.
b) a breach of any warranty.
Disputes generally arise due to the finishes of building materials. Different opinions as to whether the colour, texture or finish to ceilings, floors and walls is considered acceptable, is quite common.
Our building inspectors are qualified to determine the acceptable level of finish. A normal viewing position must be maintained at a distance of 1.5m or 600mm for cabinetry. Certain lighting conditions when accessing defects/blemishes may also apply. A video regarding New Construction Building Inspections can be found here.
The Australian Standards referenced during our new home/construction inspections may include:
NCC/BCA non-compliance issues
The build is assessed for compliance with the National Construction Code
Australian Standards non-compliance issues
Checked for compliance with the relevant Australian Standard requirements
Plans & engineering specification requirements
Checked for compliance with the approved plans
Workmanship defects
We ensure the build is finished to the required standard.
During the construction of a new property, Master Building Inspectors note all sorts of defects during the inspection stages.
These commonly include:
- Incorrect slab levelness and set out.
- Wall frames out of level.
- Defective brickwork – incorrect bed joint & perpend sizes, walls bowing, lintels incorrect sizes.
- Missing weep holes & cavity flashings.
- Poor installation of windows.
- Doors inadequately sealed, incorrect clearance between door & frame.
- Damage/chips & dents to external window & door frames.
- Poor application of paintwork.
- Skirting, architraves & cornice - bowed/out of alignment.
- Incorrect waterproofing to wet areas/shower recesses.
- Wall & floor tiles - grout poorly installed.
- Poorly installed ceiling insulation.
- Dents & scratches to sheet metal roofing.
- Cracked/chipped roofing tiles.
- Incorrect installation of roof flashings.
- Poor installation of door locks & latches.
There is currently no minimum qualification to conduct new construction staged building inspections in Melbourne, aside from building surveyors.
It is always recommended to ask the qualifications and/or experience of an inspector prior to engaging their services. Checking your building inspectors credentials is highly recommended.
Unfortunately there are many mum and dad inspectors operating in Melbourne, who have no prior experience in the building industry.
• Master Building Inspectors franchisees are all experienced builders, registered with the Victorian Building Authority.
• All inspectors are highly trained in the inspection and reporting process.
• We are members of the Housing Industry Association.
• Every MBI building inspector holds full professional indemnity & public liability insurances.
Our reports are easy to read, straight forward and provide recommendations for repair. All building reports are typically emailed with 24 hours of each building inspection.
We can provide advice and make the necessary arrangements to access the property with a few days’ notice.